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3 Motivations for Law Firms to Use Social Media to Win Clients

Written by Scott Lambert | Apr 28, 2016 6:28:13 PM

Collectively, law firms are notoriously late implementers of new technology. This has been especially true when it comes to using social media for marketing purposes. In fact, according to a recent Bloomberg article[1], just one out of every five AmLaw 100 managing partners takes advantage of Twitter.

This hesitation means that many firms are foregoing a major growth opportunity.

Because your target market is probably spending a great deal of time communicating through social media, it's time to learn more about the marketing gains available through inbound marketing.

Just What Is Inbound Marketing for Law Firms?

Inbound marketing is the concept of producing valuable content to acquire the attention of potential clients and to establish your firm as industry thought-leaders. This type of content makes it easier for your potential clients to find you online and to determine that you have the answers to their legal issues. It will also help you engage with those who are considering hiring your firm.

When it comes to using social media to win clients, there are three solid motives as to why you should consider it. 

1. Keeping Your Finger on the Pulse of Your Clients

A recent study from the Pew Research Center determined that approximately two-thirds of the nation's adults use social networking websites. If you fail to create a presence on today's most popular sites, your firm will be invisible to those two-thirds of adults engaging on these social networks. And, without a social media presence, your potential clients may view your firm as old and antiquated – not someone who understands the world as it is today.

Clients will expect your firm to welcome modern advancements and stay up to date with the world's latest digital trends in communication, which includes participating on social media sites and setting up a blog.

Technology is making society more connected. It is inspiring companies and everyday people to conduct business globally. Because of this, law firm clients have specific wants and needs from their legal teams and will demand a high level of support from their firm.

Take advantage of social media technology to share your vision of the law with potential clients in a way that they will understand. This will help you build credibility while the other components of inbound marketing help you cement it.

2. Establishing Client Connections to Gain More Insight

Law firms benefit from social media marketing by gaining the ability to create positive relationships with their clients. You are able to connect with them in real time and gain an enhanced level of insight, so you'll know what they need. Use this information to add value to your firm.

But just because you have a social media presence, it does not automatically mean that you're seeing the full extent of what this type of marketing can do for your law firm. To reap the full benefits, you must maintain your practice's image.

Let social media become the place where you connect with your clients to gain a comprehensive understanding of their concerns. It can also provide you with insight about what your firm is doing right. Use this information to make changes that add value to your service and attract more clients. 

3. Establishing Your Expertise

When used the right way, social media marketing for law firms is a tool that can magnify your professional image by giving you a platform to share your legal knowledge. This can help you establish an online voice to exhibit your expertise. It also gives you the opportunity to share your practice's philosophies, beliefs and work ethic.

Being seen as an expert in the legal field is particularly important for law firms. When your clients know that your firm understands the intricacies of the law and has the experience to help them navigate their way through the legal system, you'll ultimately gain more clients.

Be sure to encourage every member of your firm to participate in the practice's social media activities. This may foster a friendly culture within the office as well as give everyone a sense of ownership when it comes to the firm's marketing successes.

Few law firms have a social media presence, so your practice can gain an advantage over your competition. Take this step quickly to benefit from the hesitation of other firms. 

Use Every Element of Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is one of today's most vital marketing tools, and while many law firms have embraced implementing it, a number of them overlook the importance of including social media in their inbound marketing efforts. The law firms that have embraced social media are seeing growth without incurring the cost of outbound marketing.

Law firms benefit from social media marketing[2] by gaining new ways to share their expertise and better methods for connecting with clients. Once your practice begins using every element of inbound marketing, clients will be more likely to view your firm as progressive and consider it the kind of practice that can understand their legal needs firsthand.

To learn more about how to get started on social media for your law firm, contact Xcellimark now!

[1] Bloomberg
