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Tracking Emotional Reactions: The Future of Advertising

When Google Glass first appeared on the scene, everybody knew it would bring changes; however, the marketing possibilities seemed limited. How much information could[...]

Mastering B2B Content Marketing

Business marketers know they have to do things differently online. The fact that most firms are playing to distracted, media-overloaded audiences means that it's[...]

3 Horror Movie Lessons from a Project Manager

1. Stay Together! – Teamwork I recently told someone that if we looked through different websites or landing pages, I could point out specific, successful, elements[...]

Top 3 Search Engine Optimization Tips for 2012 Direct From Google

Many of you know who Matt Cutts is, but for those who don’t, Matt Cutts is the original “Google Guy” who used to blog anonymously for Google, giving out tips and[...]

Discovering the Beauty of the People and Country of Kenya Through Global Teams

In my monthly blog articles I normally talk about either something that is going on within the “Internet marketing” community or about one of our clients. This month[...]

Caye International Bank Launches New Website and Informational Blog

It’s been a delight working with Caye International Bank as they partnered with Xcellimark to upgrade and enhance their online presence through a new website and[...]

Karlsberg Insurance Revamps Their Website To Improve Overall Image and Communications

It has been very exciting working with Karlsberg Insurance as we revamped their website and set up social networking and content marketing in order to improve their[...]

Exotic Caye Beach Resort Gets a Makeover

It has been such a pleasure working with the different entities and properties associated with ECI Development this past year and we are excited to announce the[...]

Xcellimark Helps Canadian Immigration Lawyers Increase Internet Lead Conversion Rates By 72.7%

Designing, programming and writing an Internet landing page that will encourage people to take a specific action takes a well thought-out process and strategy. It’s[...]

Does Your Website Have What it Takes to Stay in Google's Search Results? - Part Two

In my article last week, I talked about some of the new changes to Google’s algorithm and how it impacts your website’s rankings. One of those changes was the[...]

Does Your Website Have What it Takes to Stay in Google?s Search Results?

Last month we talked about Google’s latest major algorithm change and how it has definitely shaken things up in the search results. The update (called Panda for[...]

Google is Going Green and Fresh

Did you hear the latest? Google appears to be getting into organic farming. Or at least it seems that way.

Xcellimark Helps Schakolad Chocolate Factory Increase the Click-Through Rate to Their Shopping Car

After attending a seminar put on by Xcellimark on the importance of getting better conversion rates on your website as opposed to always concentrating on gaining[...]

How Project Managers Can Prevent a Break Up with a Client

If you are in a position where you work closely with clients, you know that clear communication is the most important aspect of your interaction with each other. But[...]

A New Website Developed By Xcellimark Helps Increase Conversion Rates for Gran Pacifica by 438%

Xcellimark recently worked with Gran Pacifica to redesign their website and Internet presence. The purpose of the redesign and development was to help better[...]

Accessibility: What is it and What is the Big Deal?

A good website is made up of many components, but one that is often underutilized or even forgotten about is accessibility.

3 Ways to Reduce Friction on Your Website & Convert Traffic Into Sales

In a fight to stay relevant among the torrent of online competition, many business owners are taking advantage of optimization techniques. While they may be[...]

To Call or Not To Call ? That Is the Question

OK, we all know the question that has been eating at you night after night when you’re trying to fall asleep – should I have a “contact us” form on my website or[...]

Website Integration of the Google Maps API

One of the most powerful map applications currently available, Google Maps, has revolutionized the way people find businesses and services or trace routes to[...]

SEO With Google?s Newest Feature: Google +1

The seemingly endless fountain of innovation, Google, has announced and is currently testing a new feature which stands to significantly improve search engine[...]

The Tortoise and the Hare: Lessons in Life and in Business - Part Two

In my recent blog post, I talked about staying power and what it takes to win the Internet Marketing race. Today I'll give you some hints and tips about Google and[...]

The Tortoise and the Hare: Lessons in Life and in Business

Most of you are familiar with the childhood story of the Tortoise and the Hare. The rabbit is quick out the door, but along the way he gets sidetracked and[...]

Home Page Design and Conversion Optimization

There is much talk about Landing Page Optimization and ensuring that your landing pages are highly optimized for conversions when someone clicks through from a PPC[...]

Xcellimark Develops Website for DirectBuy Conference

Celebrating their 40th anniversary, DirectBuy is holding the 2011 International Sales & Service Conference in Washington D.C. and has partnered with Xcellimark for a[...]

Local Search Hits the Big Time - Part Two

In Part One of this article on Local Search, I talked about what a Local Listing is and how you can get one. Today's article will take that a step further by[...]

Local Search Hits the Big Time

Have you noticed lately how many times a Google map appears on the upper right side of your search results when you do a Google search?
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