Have you uttered either one of these phrases recently? “I never know what’s going on in this company” or “No one ever asks for my input.” If so, count your lucky[...]
Digital Marketing
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News Flash! It’s been confirmed by Google that social media does in fact affect your search rankings in Google’s search engine (and Bing as well).
Xcellimark is excited to co-sponsor our client Panther Expedited’s annual Toys for Tots “Drive to Fill the Truck” fundraiser. Andy and Ed, the CEO and CIO of Panther[...]
You know, I think an Excel spreadsheet could solve most of our problems. Need to keep better track of your Babysitter? Look at this checklist. What are you taking on[...]
Over the last few weeks, you've read about the common mistakes businesses make online and how can you avoid them. To start at the beginning of the series and learn[...]
In my last blog post, I covered Mistake #3 - Failure to Clearly Articulate Why Someone Should Do Business with You Instead of Your Competition. Once you're able to[...]
Last week I talked about Mistake #2 – Failure to develop a winning online strategy. This refers to businesses jumping into online marketing without fully thinking[...]
I covered Mistake #1 - The Kevin Costner Approach to Online Marketing in Part 1 of the series. This refers to the “build it and they will come” approach to having a[...]
Because online marketing is still fairly new in the scheme of things, constantly changing and evolving, many businesses are not sure what to do to maximize their[...]
Online success is becoming a key driver of business growth in today’s environment.
If you’ve been thinking about whether or not to start a blog for your company, there are quite a few things to take into consideration. Two of the most important[...]
Casselberry Church launched its redesigned website at www.casselberrychurch.org
If you haven’t fine-tuned your PPC ad groups, it’s likely that your ad campaign is doing its best impersonation of a leaky faucet even as you’re reading this. Drip…[...]
Global Teams is a nonprofit Missions organization that has grown steadily in size, scope and effectiveness since its establishment in 1983. Like most nonprofit[...]
If you aren’t conducting tests on your website, then you need to be. If your website isn’t performing at its optimum level, then you are leaking revenue. But I’m not[...]
Xcellimark was excited to work side-by-side with Melinda and Paul Sullivan, Southwest Florida Realtors, as they launched their new website at[...]
I recently read the book called “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Health. It’s incredibly insightful about how to make ideas stick. “Ideas” include presentations,[...]
In any type of marketing campaign, we have to pitch our products, services and our company if we want to get new business and make our presence known. And so it is[...]
A few years ago, I noticed that a large fast-food chain re-modeled the interior of many of its restaurants changing them from fluorescent lights with bright colors[...]
Has your bottom line been feeling the economy lately? It seems that everywhere I go, everyone is talking about the economy - or the government – but that's an[...]
One of the most significant things you can do as a blogger is to give high priority to the importance of blog post titles. Good keyword-rich titles help rankings[...]