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Craft a Compelling Value Proposition

In last week’s article, I discussed how and why a business should design a blueprint for their online marketing success. This week I’ll continue to build upon that[...]

Designing a Digital Marketing Blueprint for Your Bottom Line

Before setting out to do anything, you should have a plan. A blueprint is the plan that contractors, builders, electricians, plumbers, and carpenters use to be sure[...]

Website Optimization, Social Media and SEO Are Fastest Growing in Lead Generation Tactics

Businesses constantly have to decide how to divide their budgets to get the best results from their lead generation efforts. Website Optimization, Social Media and[...]

Learn How to Get More Sales and Leads from Your Website at Xcellimark's OBJ Workshop on July 11

Xcellimark and the Orlando Business Journal have partnered to provide a Professional Development Workshop series to educate local business professionals on how they[...]

The Most Important Elements of Website Design

I have had the opportunity to be a part of the Internet industry since 1995 when I was the product manager for, one of the first ISPs to be launched in[...]

4 Key Areas to Grow Your Business Internationally

We have had the honor of working with several Internationally-based businesses this past year located in Canada, United Kingdom, Belize, Brazil and Nicaragua. All of[...]

Content Creation Ranks as the Most Effective SEO Tactic

Marketing Sherpa surveyed over 1,500 marketers, and they indicated that content creation is the most effective SEO tactic, even above keyphrase research and title[...]

Common Internet Marketing Mistakes Straight from Google

Most people think that getting their website to rank successfully in Google is a game of chance or a mystical puzzle trying to read the minds of the almighty Google[...]

Adapt or Die: Learn Survival Tactics Needed to Succeed Online

It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. For your company to stay ahead of the pack make sure your Interactive Agency offers expertise in four (4) key areas. Each area[...]

Why Great Website Design No Longer Works - Part Two

In part one of this article, I shared why a great website design is not enough to help your business achieve its goals and went over some of the elements that you[...]

Free Xcellimark Webinar on the Key Success Factors of Internet Marketing on March 20th at 2pm EST

Over the last year, Xcellimark has partnered with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association ( to educate and empower restaurant owners/operators[...]

Why Great Website Design No Longer Works

Great website design by itself no longer works. This announcement may come as a shock from a company that has won national web design awards for the last 5 years in[...]

Free Xcellimark Webinar on Local Search Marketing on March 6th at 2pm EST

Over the last year, Xcellimark has partnered with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association ( to educate and empower restaurant owners/operators[...]

What Do People Want From Your Website Design?

Do you know what your visitors really want from your website? I can tell you. It’s not flashy, animated graphics. It’s not a talking video, unexplainably blaring[...]

Don't Settle For Ranking Only Once on Page 1 Search Results

Many businesses and online marketers are happy to have their website rank once on page 1 of the search engine results. However, it is possible to have more than one[...]

Today's Most Effective Interactive Digital Agency

In the past, Interactive or Digital Agencies specialized in a single area of expertise such as SEO, Creative or Email marketing. Today, the most effective agencies[...]

Do You Know Your Cost to Generate a Lead?

There are many ways to generate sales leads for your business. The more traditional ways include telemarketing, direct mail, and trade shows. However, the costs for[...]

Build a Toilet and They Will Come

I am reminded during this holiday season just how important the basics really are in everything we do, whether it be the basics of Internet marketing or most[...]

Your Brand Is What Google Says It Is

Mitch Joel is the best-selling author of "Six Pixels of Separation," the President of Twist Image and a perpetual blogger. No doubt, he is among those leading the[...]

What is Your Marketing's ROI?

IBM conducted a study delving into insights from Global Chief Marketing Officers (CMO), called “From Stretched to Strengthened.” They interviewed 1,700 CMO’s from 5[...]

Local Search Becoming Dominant SEO Initiative

I remember speaking several years back to a group of business owners about the growing importance of initiating a Local Search campaign for their businesses. Google[...]

Have You Identified the Problem That's Keeping Your Business from Growing?

Many people claim to know what is holding their company back. They believe that if they can only do this “one thing” then all of their problems or challenges will be[...]

Xcellimark Increased Grand Bayman's Website Closure Rate by 83%

Most people think a website is just a website and as long as they have one, they feel that they are doing enough to actively engage their audience in online[...]

Content Marketing? Key to Internet Marketing Success

There are so many aspects to Internet marketing, it’s tough to decide what you should do to really make a difference in your business. Should you redesign your[...]

See How One Business Increased Sales by 105%

For years, was marketed online through traditional SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tactics, such as link-building and directory[...]

Facebook for Business: A Natural Fit

We all know that social media networks are some of the most popular websites on the Internet. And businesses have not taken long to figure out that this would be a[...]
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