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Content Marketing? Key to Internet Marketing Success

Written by Scott Lambert | Sep 13, 2011 12:00:00 AM

There are so many aspects to Internet marketing, it’s tough to decide what you should do to really make a difference in your business. Should you redesign your website, implement more SEO, social media or email marketing? What kind of company should you hire to pull off what you think is the right direction? One that does websites? Maybe a social media company. Or an email marketing company.

Which Specialty is the Right Choice?

Individual Internet marketing silos, including website development, SEO, social media, and email marketing, no longer work as independent units. This is an outdated model from companies that only work within individual product segments and it no longer reflects the reality of successful Internet marketing. Instead, these marketing silos have been merged together through a common element – content marketing.

Content Marketing is the Nucleus to Internet Marketing

The blood that runs through the veins of Internet marketing is content marketing. You can no longer implement an effective SEO campaign by simply optimizing your website. You must have a content-focused social media marketing campaign that, at a minimum, includes a blog. And your optimized blog posts need to be bookmarked on authoritative social bookmarking websites and portals.

In addition, a key SEO strategy includes search engine-optimized online press releases. And you should continue to remarket to your clients and potential customers who opt-in to receive newsletters and articles through an ongoing email marketing campaign.

So what components make up content marketing? We’ll cover that in the second half (Part 2) of “Content Marketing – Key To Internet Success”. It gets into the details of what content marketing is and how it works to help your business increase revenue by expanding your online brand’s exposure and credibility.