Marketing Civil Engineering Firms Today – An Interview On The Civil Engineering Podcast

Recently I had the honor of being interviewed by the inspirational, Anthony Fasano, PE on The Civil Engineering Podcast. The topic was about marketing for civil engineering firms, but as you listen to it you’ll realize it can be applied to all engineering firms. We talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of current marketing efforts being done for civil engineering firms, as well as career advice on how to get ahead in your own career.
We discuss many important and relevant topics including
- How to help your firm grow
- How to become the thought-leader in your industry
- The various tools to use for marketing your firms
- What engineering marketers have to do in order to accomplish growth and leadership in the engineering industry
- The metrics engineers and engineering marketers are measured on
- Their top struggles.
I also give my opinions on the latest technologies and methodologies, and how to tangibly go about accomplishing all that I have listed.
Why Is This So Important?
As Anthony mentioned in the podcast, “this is a huge avenue that still has to be uncovered as civil engineering firms can better market themselves online.” The most effective ways engineering firms should be marketing and putting themselves out there today for growth and leadership is just not talked about much. You don’t often hear about it and no one is really addressing it. Therefore, there is this gap.
It is the difference between the direction the world is going in order to grow, market and establish your business as “the expert” in your field, and the old “this is how we have always done it” form of marketing.
Personally, I’m not a fan of thinking that since this is the way things have always been done, that means it is the best, most efficient way of doing things now. Innovation happens. Civil engineering is at the forefront of it. But just as there is innovation in engineering, there is innovation in sales, marketing and business growth. The most successful engineering firms I’ve seen are the firms that have recognized this and acted upon it.
Remember that gap of being innovative and new, or remaining stagnant and doing what you have always done. The firms that jump on the most effective ways of marketing their firm online are the firms that our going to catapult themselves over that gap, above all other firms, into the leadership of the civil engineering industry. Sounds pretty great, right?
So Why Aren’t Engineers Catching On?
Many engineers are not taught this information. Therefore, they don’t see it as something that relates to them. Some think it’s something that is just for their managers, marketers, CEO’s and all other leadership.
Many aren’t talking about it because there isn’t anyone tapping into educating those industries about the most effective ways of making engineering firms grow.
Many are still in the mindset that this does not apply to their firm because they only deal with public contracts and RFP’s. Therefore, no one is looking at their website or content. (I would have to object to this way of thinking and this eBook).
The list goes on, but what matters now is that we are talking about it now. Xcellimark has been talking about it for a long time. Anthony Fasano at The Civil Engineering Podcast and Engineering Coach is talking about it now. People are catching on and starting to perk up their ears.
Be the firm to catapult over that gap before the gap closes up.
To learn more about this and to hear the discussion between two engineers and thought-leaders in their industry, listen to the Podcast now on how to market your engineering firm.