When Google Authorship was first unveiled, it was hailed as a breakthrough for content marketers who aimed to establish online thought leadership for their brands -[...]
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Once the novelty of something wears off, it's only a matter of time before it's appropriate to poke fun at it. With Facebook entering its second decade of existence,[...]
If you're a business owner or marketer, you understand the importance of setting business goals such as revenue growth, sales objectives, cost of customer[...]
Now that search engine optimization has evolved into an Internet marketing catch-all, let's think about what it actually entails.
In the space of just a few years, social media marketing has become an indispensable tool for business owners and marketers.
Your company might have a killer value proposition that gets to the core of what you offer, but it's bound to be of limited utility if you aren't using all available[...]
In the world of online content marketing, things move fast. A decade ago, there was no such thing as social media marketing.
There are many different ways to draw attention to your company's Web presence, so it's not helpful to think of online marketing as a zero-sum game.
As one of the most popular social media platforms for companies in the digital marketing world, Twitter represents a key tool in your business's content marketing[...]
You may have heard about the importance of your value proposition and its role in communicating the benefit of your company to your ideal customer.
In the content-marketing world, it has long been an article of faith that short, snappy, well-optimized blog posts are preferable to longer blog posts. This is a[...]
So, you may have heard of the seven deadly sins in life, which yes, those can be bad, but did you know about the four deadly, downright ghastly, blog mistakes that[...]
Twitter has grown enormously in quite a short time. Over that time this social media tool has developed to include direct messaging and hashtags, and a wide variety[...]
The business of building a website and utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) is a constantly evolving process so there comes a time when you should look back[...]
I don't know about you, but I'm an Instagram addict! At any time of the day (or night), I can be seen grabbing my phone or tablet to scroll through my feed for the[...]
The blogging world is a vast realm, and obscurity is the biggest hurdle for most writers. Being found and read when there are so many other websites and blogs[...]
Regardless of whether a company is promoting a new product or attempting to focus extra eyes on its online articles, some form of paid advertising is usually[...]
Earlier this year one SEO expert announced that guest blogging had essentially been annihilated by Google. The search engine took some major steps to ensure that[...]
In a recent survey it was revealed that 79% of people now trust online reviews as much as they do personal recommendations. For consumers conducting a local search[...]
It is important for content marketing professionals to know which social network sites are best used for different types of content; while one platform might be[...]
A new joint report from the UK Direct Marketing Association on Content Marketing and the Content Marketing Institute has revealed that one of the largest hurdles to[...]
Smart content marketers have increasingly been taking an interest in Pinterest in recent months. Pinterest offers fantastic opportunities for the visually[...]
Producing and developing a blog is a great way for companies to not only gain more customers but also to express their brand and personality; however, creating a[...]
A top priority for many companies is ensuring that business leads result in as many conversions as possible. Content marketing plays a crucial role here, with[...]
For anyone involved in content marketing, it is not only important to write articles that will strike the right note with readers but also crucial to get as many[...]
Many companies are seeking to significantly boost the amount of investment they funnel into content marketing. With this in mind, it is important to consider just[...]