Social Media Affects All Aspects of Your Marketing

News Flash! It’s been confirmed by Google that social media does in fact affect your search rankings in Google’s search engine (and Bing as well).
The search engines use different aspects of social media to help determine your ranking status. Twitter tweets, retweets, followers, Facebook links, Facebook friends and fans, LinkedIn, and blog links are determining factors in how well your website ranks in the search results.
Social Media Continues to Become Stronger
If you thought social media was a fad, you’ll need to rethink your marketing strategies. Social media has become stronger every year and its definitely here to stay.
While many companies have avoided or ignored social media because it’s sometimes hard to directly connect actual sales or increased revenue to social efforts, it’s now apparent that the effects of social media reach far beyond a direct sale.
Just like companies who are serious about ranking in the search engines realized that they had to have strong incoming links to their website to succeed in a competitive market, you must now also have a social media presence to help get or sustain the high rankings that do translate into increased revenue and sales.
Don’t Know How To Be Social?
Many companies find themselves in a dilemma because they either don’t know how to get a social media program going, they don’t have the staff or time to do so, or both. In those cases it helps to find a partner who can help you get started.
Xcellimark can train you on how to get your social media program off the ground. We can also partner with you to not only get it set up and going, but to also maintain your social media presence. Either way, doing nothing is no longer an option.
There was a day when some businesses didn’t think they needed a website. Those that think that today probably won’t be in business long.
In the same way, the days of thinking you can ignore social media programs is past.
Social Media:
- Helps get your company known in wider alternative circles outside the search engines
- Allows your clients to easily recommend you to their friends
- Provides links back to your website, helping you promote your business
- Helps put a personal face on your company
- Helps increase your search engine rankings which drives more people and business to your website
Get started today with a complete marketing package that includes social media. Contact Xcellimark to help get you off and running!