The Crucial Case For Case Studies

Recently, my team and I at Xcellimark were doing a competitive analysis for a major firm who wanted to know how their digital marketing strategies were performing compared to their top competitors. As we did our detailed analysis and made suggestions for improvement, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming number of images on their website of their past work - with no descriptions or positive results reported. In fact, none of the companies I was researching had compelling information about their past work.
This is a huge missed opportunity for companies who want to establishment themselves as experts in their field.
Marketers for firms that have very visual solutions, such as engineering and architectural firms, make the mistake of thinking that a few portfolio images and a quick company description is enough to capture leads and turn them into clients. However, the lack of supporting content leaves potential clients with questions that are often answered more clearly by competitors that use more compelling marketing strategies.
So, even if your company provides specialized products and services, you need to show potential clients more than images of a finished project to help them understand how your company is able to solve their unique problems. Prospects visiting your website want to know what makes you qualified to meet their unique needs compared to your competitors.
Interested in gaining insight like the engineering firm above? Come talk to us about getting your Competitive Analysis! The knowledge you gain will be eye opening.
Enter the Case Study
Case studies provide specific examples, numbers and processes that demonstrate how your clients have benefited from working with you. They are able to show how your products and services contribute to your client’s success.
You can use short case studies on your website to demonstrate how you solved client problems, as well as longer, more in-depth case studies that can be downloadable content offers. The characteristics of an in-depth case study is a valuable content offer that you can use to capture relevant leads and grow your business.
Why Content Offers Are Essential
Case studies provide the opportunity for prospective clients to get a more thorough look at the expertise that your firm brings to every job. They provide both quantitative and qualitative evidence for how and why your clients should choose you. And, since a content offer requires at least an email address to be accessed, it helps weed out serious leads from those who are just clicking around your website with no clear intentions.
Case Studies Make Compelling Content
“How” and “Why” are two of the main questions that prospects are asking when they arrive on your website or landing page. Your case study gives you the opportunity to answer both in a way that makes your company shine.
One of the best ways to do this is to show how you were able to solve problems for a previous client and how that client continues to benefit from your work. Always include specific statistics and numbers to illustrate metrics such as improved efficiency in product development, expanded client bases and increases in profit.
Inbound Marketing with Case Studies
A successful inbound marketing campaign is tailored to the specific client personas that make up your target audience. As with all types of marketing, the use of case studies are based on the wants and needs of the people who will benefit most from what your business offers. This familiarity with your prospects is the basis of lead generation and will help you craft case studies that drive conversions.
Offering ways to opt into your content offer through multiple channels increases exposure and reaches more potential clients. Test these common options to see which generates the most interest:
- Website forms
- Pop-up boxes
- Landing pages
- Social media posts
- Email calls-to-action
By using case studies as content offers, you not only generate more interest in your products and services but also build credibility for your firm. Potential clients learn about what you do through real-life examples that demonstrate authority and nurture trust. Trust between companies and clients is a critical part of creating the long-term B2B relationships that generate ongoing income and support growth.
Discover How You Compare to Your Competitors Online
Knowledge is power in the world of marketing. If you would like to know the nitty gritty of how your company’s marketing strategy is comparing to your competitor’s, talk to us. We’d love to do a free competitive analysis for you, accompanied with marketing strategy suggestions, in order to make sure you’re marketing and competing to your fullest potential. And if you don’t have a case study yet, start with this eye opening experience.