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4 Easiest Steps to the Best Marketing Assessment Plans | Xcellimark Blog

These Are The 4 Easiest Steps to The Best Marketing Assessment Plans

We recently updated a comprehensive digital marketing strategy guide to help business and marketing professionals learn how to create the best digital marketing[...]
Content Marketing

Top 4 Reasons Why Content Creation is a Marketer's Biggest Challenge

I was chatting recently with members of the Orlando HUG (HubSpot User Group) at a workshop that we were having about content marketing. Most people that I talked to[...]

How to Be Successful by Creating The Best Digital Marketing Strategy

Taking it Back to Where it all Began: 1983 I have been in marketing and sales for the technology industry since 1983. I understand that 34 years date me a bit, but I[...]
How Tp Get Your Prospects To Act Through Powerful CTAs

How To Get Your Prospects To Act Through Powerful CTAs

Ho ho ho, the holidays are here! Everyone is spreading their holiday cheer and anxiously awaiting their favorite day of the season to arrive, whether it's[...]

5 Inbound Marketing Strategies CMOs Can Use to Convert More Leads

Every month, thousands of businesses discover and implement inbound marketing strategies to improve their lead generation metrics and close more sales. To create a[...]

Attention Marketing Managers: Here's 8 Ways to Optimize Your Online Conversions

If you're wondering how to optimize your online conversions, you're asking yourself the same question as countless marketing managers who have come before you.

8 Ways to Optimize Your Website's Navigation

Intuitive, conversion-optimized navigation is the cornerstone of great website design and development. In an increasingly competitive business landscape,[...]

Generate Targeted Sales for Your Business Using Buyer Personas

According to HubSpot, "A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing[...]

Is Your Website Killing Your Brand?

Is your website killing your brand? That's not an easy question to ask. It may be even harder to answer, particularly if you're not an expert on website creation and[...]

3 Key Actions to Boost Your Value Proposition And Grow Your Business

You may have heard about the importance of your value proposition and its role in communicating the benefit of your company to your ideal customer.

3 Ways to Reduce Friction on Your Website & Convert Traffic Into Sales

In a fight to stay relevant among the torrent of online competition, many business owners are taking advantage of optimization techniques. While they may be[...]

To Call or Not To Call ? That Is the Question

OK, we all know the question that has been eating at you night after night when you’re trying to fall asleep – should I have a “contact us” form on my website or[...]

Home Page Design and Conversion Optimization

There is much talk about Landing Page Optimization and ensuring that your landing pages are highly optimized for conversions when someone clicks through from a PPC[...]

Landing Page Testing & My Ego

Years of Academy Training! (As Spoken by Buzz Lightyear) I have 6 years experience in Internet Marketing and continually pursue training opportunities conducted by[...]

5 Common Mistakes Businesses Make in Online Marketing - Part 5

Over the last few weeks, you've read about the common mistakes businesses make online and how can you avoid them. To start at the beginning of the series and learn[...]

What Makes an Online Website Test Valid?

If you aren’t conducting tests on your website, then you need to be. If your website isn’t performing at its optimum level, then you are leaking revenue. But I’m not[...]

Why All the Questions?

I went to the dermatologist yesterday, and because it was my first time at that office, the nurse asked me a ton of questions:
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