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HubSpot 2022 CRM Updates from Inbound

HubSpot 2022 CRM Updates from Inbound

INBOUND is an annual international event powered by HubSpot that brings together thought leaders in marketing, sales, customer success, and revenue operations from[...]
Why Your Company Needs a Sales Enablement Strategy - Xcellimark

Why Your Company Needs a Sales Enablement Strategy

There's no denying that the sales landscape is more complex than ever before. Buyers are more intelligent and fully capable of doing their due diligence before[...]
5 Features That You Need to Have in an Effective Sales CRM - Xcellimark Blog

5 Features You Need to Have in an Effective Sales CRM

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the amount of business lately? Is your team frantically trying to stay on task and keep up with all of your customers? If this[...]
Sales Enablement Tools

Top 5 Sales Enablement Tools To Increase Sales

You probably already know that working in sales or managing a sales team isn’t the easiest job in the world. Rewarding, yes, but maybe not the easiest one out there.[...]
What is Sales Enablement & How Does It Help You Close More Leads?

What is Sales Enablement & How Does It Help You Close More Leads?

Companies are always competing against one another for customers. From finding the right hook for their target audience to implementing unique marketing strategies,[...]
What is a CRM — What Does It Do and How Do You Use It? - Xcellimark Blog

What is a CRM — What Does It Do and How Do You Use It?

Are your employees struggling with following up with leads promptly? Are you completely out of the loop with your employees on their lead generation and sale[...]
Forget B2B and B2C — Successful Marketing is H2H - Xcellimark Blog

Forget B2B and B2C — Successful Marketing is H2H

If you’ve been part of our community for any length of time, you probably know how important we think it is to build trust. It’s no secret that people make their[...]
HubSpot Sales Hub [2021] Updates - Xcellimark Blog

HubSpot Sales Hub [2021 Updates]

Most sales team leaders don’t use the tools that you provide to help them do their job. In fact, 76% of sales leaders believe their teams use a small fraction of[...]
How to Sell the Way People Buy with Inbound Sales

How to Sell the Way People Buy with Inbound Sales

I know I have said this so many times before, but it’s worth repeating again in light of this article - your sales team no longer controls the buying process. Your[...]

Here Are the Top Trends in Marketing & Sales Right Now

I think we can all agree that 2020 has created many new challenges for businesses throughout the world. With all the changes happening right now, business[...]

This is How to Actually Engage with More Sales Prospects

Do you think people make their buying decisions mainly based off logical considerations of product or service features? If you are shaking your head “yes,” and if I[...]

How to Be Successful by Creating The Best Digital Marketing Strategy

Taking it Back to Where it all Began: 1983 I have been in marketing and sales for the technology industry since 1983. I understand that 34 years date me a bit, but I[...]

Warning: 25 Reasons Your B2B Lead Generation Is Failing (And How To Fix It)

Lead generation is a key part of your company’s marketing and sales efforts in order to grow revenue. Whether your company sells in a B2B market or handles complex[...]
7_Big_Marketing_Mistakes_Engineers_Make_(&_Why_You_Need_To_Avoid Them).jpg

7 Big Marketing Mistakes Engineers Make (& Why You Need To Avoid Them)

You might say that I have a soft spot, in fact a fascination and high respect for engineers. My three daughters would be rolling their eyes at me right now saying[...]

Warning! This Is How To Stop Being Sleazy To Your Sales Prospects

I don't know about you, but a couple of people reading this article might relate to this feeling:
The 7 Best Ways to Connect With Your Top Sales Leads - Via Xcellimark Blog.png

The 7 Best Ways to Connect with Your Top Sales Leads

Lately, I have been writing about aligning Inbound Sales with Inbound Marketing in order to increase leads, productivity, revenue, and cohesiveness. Last week, I[...]

Why "Identifying" Your Sales Lead Is A Brilliant Sales Move

I was sitting in a meeting room at HubSpot Headquarters in Boston, alongside my small group of peers. We were the beta group for their Inbound Sales Training and we[...]
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