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The Rise of AI Search and Its Impact

The Rise of AI Search and Its Impact

The digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and the way people search for information is no exception. AI-powered search engines are reshaping how[...]
5 SEO Tips to Amplify Your Online Presence

5 SEO Tips to Amplify Your Online Presence

In today's fast-paced digital world, it is crucial for businesses to establish a strong online presence. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in, as[...]
Context Over Keywords: High-Ranking Content Demands More - Xcellimark Blog

Context Over Keywords: High-Ranking Content Demands More

As marketers, we have heard the adage of content is king so often that we’ve lost count. We all know that content has an important place in any business’s marketing[...]
4 Easiest Steps to the Best Marketing Assessment Plans | Xcellimark Blog

These Are The 4 Easiest Steps to The Best Marketing Assessment Plans

We recently updated a comprehensive digital marketing strategy guide to help business and marketing professionals learn how to create the best digital marketing[...]
Search Engine Optimization Strategy | Xcellimark Blog

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): An Ever-Changing Strategy

Much has changed over the years in how search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Baidu crawl, index, and rank webpages in their search engine results. Maximizing[...]
How to Create the Ultimate Competitive Analysis Strategy | Xcellimark Blog

How to Create the Ultimate Competitive Analysis Strategy

Much of your company’s success today, and in the future, will be determined by the effectiveness of your online digital marketing efforts. Therefore, it’s vital that[...]

How to Be Successful by Creating The Best Digital Marketing Strategy

Taking it Back to Where it all Began: 1983 I have been in marketing and sales for the technology industry since 1983. I understand that 34 years date me a bit, but I[...]

Reviewing Your Current SEO Plan? Follow This 6 Step Checklist

Search engine optimization is one of the cornerstones of a comprehensive content marketing plan. High-quality content is also critical.

7 SEO Elements to Boost Your B2B Campaign

In spite of ongoing search engine algorithm changes, few marketing experts would argue that the need for a keen understanding of SEO best practices has diminished[...]
10 Important Factors You Need to Know in a Marketing Analysis

10 Important Factors You Need to Know in a Marketing Assessment

Are you wondering how to improve your online marketing plan? Whether you're a newcomer to the world of digital marketing analytics and conversion optimization or a[...]

4 Key Differences Between SEO and Inbound Marketing

How much do you know about the difference between SEO and inbound marketing? While much has been written about the distinctions between SEO and inbound marketing[...]

5 Tips to Optimize Your Business for Inbound Marketing Success

It's easy to use analytic suites to determine the keywords that help your site rank well. Unfortunately, determining which keywords reliably drive traffic to your[...]

How Important Is It to Be Tops in Google?

You've probably heard that it's important to get your website on the first Google search results page. After all, the vast majority of searchers never click past the[...]

4 SEO Myths You Should Ditch Now

If you’re still holding on to old SEO practices, it may be time to rethink your strategy. Especially in light of the rapidly evolving Search Engine Optimization[...]

SEO Tips To Get Your Website On The First Page

Every website wants to make it onto the first page of a Google search - but how do you get there? You probably have a variety of ways to increase traffic and your[...]

Your Website Could Go Ghost On Google After April 21st

Google has announced that starting on April 21, 2015 it is changing its search engine algorithm to evaluate how mobile-friendly your website is (or isn’t). The[...]

How Google Authorship Changes Might Affect Your Thought Leadership Campaign

When Google Authorship was first unveiled, it was hailed as a breakthrough for content marketers who aimed to establish online thought leadership for their brands -[...]

Use this Easy (And Totally Doable!) Search Engine Optimization Guide to Getting Found Online

Now that search engine optimization has evolved into an Internet marketing catch-all, let's think about what it actually entails.

Auditing Websites For SEO Is Essential

The business of building a website and utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) is a constantly evolving process so there comes a time when you should look back[...]

New Look Google Search Page Gets Thumbs Up

A study conducted by small-scale Internet research company UserTesting has revealed that, overall, users prefer the new version of Google’s search pages to the old[...]

More Comprehensive Bing Search Data Boosts SEO

In response to feedback from marketers, Bing has updated its search terms report to significantly extend the data available for search engine optimization purposes.[...]

Fighting a Losing Battle with Google?

Being pushed down in the rankings by Google because of spam can be devastating for an online business. Naturally most people fight hard to recover when this happens[...]

Okay Google: What You Need To Know

It has been a year in development, but just a couple days ago the world’s biggest search engine announced on its blog that Okay Google is ready to go live. To begin[...]

Bing Gets Tough On Keyword Stuffing

Catching up with the other major search engines, Bing has now come down hard on keyword stuffing, using fierce language in what may be an attempt to make up for its[...]

Icis Eyes Gives Google Glass A Run For Their Money

Even before Google Glass appeared, numerous companies were looking into the possibilities offered by wearable computing technology, especially for the eyes. Since it[...]

How To Help Webcrawlers Understand Scrolling Sites

As we recently reported on this blog, changes at Google have been causing problems for long scrolling sites. Other search engines also have difficulty crawling them[...]
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