When a new year rolls over, it’s not only resolutions that have everyone talking. It’s also a time to make predictions as to what we will see in the upcoming year.[...]
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Social signals are important in today's search engine world and Facebook advertising is a great way to maximize your social signals within Facebook. It also opens up[...]
Recently, we started Facebook advertising campaigns for some of our clients in an effort to promote their existing fan pages, build a bigger audience, increase[...]
It’s currently the social media platform that I use the most. Whether I’m taking and uploading photos to share or browsing other accounts and looking at their[...]
Your email inbox is probably flooded with Internet marketing articles telling you to engage in social media, preferably by setting up a Facebook fan page for your[...]
Every day my inbox is flooded with emails about social media secrets and updates. At times, it seems like a lot of hot air and most of what’s in my inbox I’ve[...]
I don’t think companies realize just how much good or bad customer service can make or break their online reputation. If a customer is happy because they got a good[...]
One of the main tools the Facebook community used to import their blog entries into their private profile or Facebook Fan Page was the Notes Application. It simply[...]
This article was first published in the December 2011/January 2012 issue of Florida Restaurant & Lodging Magazine.
Recently, I was shopping online for a dress and having a really hard time trying to choose the right one. I found a few I liked but they did not show how the dress[...]
By now you’ve probably heard the term “social bookmarking” but if it doesn’t make sense to you or you don’t know why or how to use it to build traffic to your[...]
Social networks such as Facebook have taken the world by storm and continue to grow daily. And businesses can utilize social media to their advantage to reach a[...]
You may be familiar with YouTube as an adequate way to kill boredom at home, but did you know that the video website can actually help you grow your business and[...]
We all know that social media networks are some of the most popular websites on the Internet. And businesses have not taken long to figure out that this would be a[...]
Even though Facebook is one of the most popular social networks, there are still people out there reluctant to use it because they don’t want to sign-up for a[...]
For the past 30 years it has been traditional wisdom that Seniors (and now Baby Boomers) would not adopt or be a force in new technology. WRONG!
As Facebook grows and continues to dominate their position as the #1 social networking platform, new trends, features and apps will continue to be uncovered for[...]
The Social Network, a movie about the origins of Facebook and the resulting lawsuits, received 8 Oscar nominations including best picture.
News Flash! It’s been confirmed by Google that social media does in fact affect your search rankings in Google’s search engine (and Bing as well).
According to a Mobile Marketing Associate survey, nearly one of every four adults is using mobile location-based services. How are you leveraging Foursquare, Gowalla[...]
Facebook recently launched Messages, a product that integrates e-mail, IM and texting in a unified inbox. Check out the video and leave comments letting us know what[...]
Everyone loves to share a good YouTube video. But have you ever wanted to send a video to someone and have them get to the good part so you tell them the minute and[...]
Twitter experienced a security glitch earlier in the week but with a new Twitter.com on the horizon, all is forgiven as it promises “an easier, faster, and richer[...]
Update as of 9/21/10: The issue has been resolved. For more information, click here.
Why it is important to build a community with a blog and what, exactly, does this mean? How will building a community help me and my business? These are a couple of[...]