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Use Excel & Find Your Double Rainbow

Written by Nancy Lambert | Nov 18, 2010 12:00:00 AM

You know, I think an Excel spreadsheet could solve most of our problems. Need to keep better track of your Babysitter? Look at this checklist. What are you taking on your camping trip? Bam! Right there. Or what about the demographic data of third world countries and their policies? Easy peezy! And check out the colorful bar chart!

Excel Spreadsheets: A Project Manager’s Best Friend

For many of us, a white board in the office or near our desk is all we need to keep our lives organized or to remind us of our “to do’s.” But for those of you who struggle with meeting deadlines, organizing data, or keeping track of certain marketing tests, a quick set-up in Excel will take some weight off your shoulders.

For some, it’s a source of anxiety to open up that series of columns and rows of empty cells and make decisions about the X and Y axis, let alone deciding on formatting, borders, and fonts.

Organization is Key

So, my advice to you poorly organized high achievers?

  1. Start small. Set up something as simple as a list with coinciding checkmarks or X’s and you can eventually expand your spreadsheet to include more intricate data.
  2. Rely on someone else’s work! There are countless Excel experts out there; individuals, who will answer your questions, provide you with pre-programmed templates, or who will sell you a whole book just to sharpen your skills. Codswallop has put together invaluable information on Excel in a blog article titled The Excel Magician.

Start using a simple spreadsheet to put together your most basic lists and you’ll stumble upon a new way of life. Or at least a new way to plan for your family vacation. Now that's a complete double rainbow!