Search Engine

No Keywords

SEO Is No Longer
Just About Keywords

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps increase traffic to your website with the ultimate goal of increasing your sales leads.


More than 80% of internet users rely on search engines to locate information, products, or services online. Consequently, SEO is crucial for businesses as it influences how your website is ranked in search engine results.


However, SEO has evolved, and you can no longer just insert a few keywords on your page and expect to rank well.

SEO Combines Key Phrases, Website Architecture & HTML with Content Marketing and Social Media



  • Your content needs to be high quality and informative, written in a voice for an actual website visitor, not a search engine bot.
  • You need to do keyword research and establish a content theme for each page that needs to rank in the search results.
  • Your content should be engaging and valuable, serving as a credible source of information people want to read and share.
  • Each page must feature original content.
  • It is important to consistently update your website with new, original content via blog posts and social media updates.

Website Architecture
& HTML Coding

  • Your website needs to be coded in a “search engine friendly” manner.
  • The website needs to be responsive for mobile devices.
  • The web pages need to load quickly.
  • The web pages need to be free from extraneous and unnecessary coding that can bog down the search engine spiders.
  • You need to be sure to include a Meta Title and Description on every page containing the important key phrase that you are going after.
  • You should include structured data on appropriate pages.

Trust, Authority
& Popularity

  • Your site should have naturally occurring incoming links from reputable websites.
  • The site should have informative and authoritative content that engages visitors, preventing them from quickly leaving by clicking the back button.
  • The age of your URL plays a role; the longer it has existed, the more credibility it earns from search engines.
  • Make sure your incoming links do not originate from spammy sites, link farms, or other dubious sources.

Social Media

  • Maintaining an active online social presence is essential for drawing in more visitors and generating links.
  • It is important to distribute your content on social media and create material that encourages others to repost and share it within their networks.
  • You need to establish a social network of potential buyers who fit your ideal buyer persona so they will have access to the content you share socially.
  • You should publish news-worthy press releases and distribute them throughout the Internet.

Contact Us Today

Ready to get started? Contact us today to see how you can start getting your site to rank higher in the search engines.

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